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YouthCubed Fellowship

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2 weeks of inspiration, innovation, and changemaking.

Applications Open

Program Date: August 11-24

Applications Due: July 1st, 2024


Open for all youths who are enrolled between grades 7 - 12.

What is the


Over the course for four weeks, our fellows engage in a comprehensive curriculum that includes virtual workshops, interactive seminars, and hands-on project development sessions.

The fellowship focuses on nurturing practical skills such as project management, fundraising, digital marketing, and public speaking. All programs are 1:1, and is done by experienced youth entrepreneurs, with the curriculum being highly customizable for each fellow.

The YouthCubed Fellowship then culminates in a capstone project where fellows apply their learned skills to initiate real-world social ventures. This project not only serves as a practical application of the fellowship's teachings but also as a stepping stone for future endeavors in social entrepreneurship.

The YC-K Grant

YouthCubed-Katija Grant

As a joint venture between the Katija Hyoungjoo Neuber Fund and YouthCubed, the YC-K Grant is an exclusive grant opportunity only for YouthCubed participants.

After successful completion of the fellowship, your final Capstone Project report will be evaluated by a joint committee of professionals from both organizations, measuring each project based on amount of foreseeable impact, viability, and other criteria.

Then, selected fellows will receive an amount between 100 - 800 USD for the implementation of their projects.

Types of Grants Available for Fellows:

The YC-K Grant:

800 USD

1 Winner

The YouthCubed Special Award on Exceptional Solutions Towards Social Issues:

400 USD

1 Winner

The Katija Hyoungjoo Neuber Award on Exceptional Solutions Towards Sustainability:

400 USD

1 Winner

The Jaewon Choi Special Commendation:

100 USD

2 Winner


The admissions process for the YouthCubed Fellowship is designed to identify highly motivated and capable young individuals who are passionate about social change and entrepreneurship.

Please feel free to contact our team if you need assistance in the application. You can start your application below:

Admissions Process

First Round - Document-Based Evaluation (DBE)

Due July 1st, 2024.

1. Candidate Profile

The candidate profile is included when you apply through our Digital Applications System (DAS). It is a required element of the admissions process, and will ask for basic information, such as your academic and extracurricular achievement, and demographic information.

2. Short Responses (Optional)

The optional short responses is used to evaluate the candidate as a person, and learn the motivations to why they would like to join the fellowship. All questions are optional, but may aid the admissions committee in the understanding of the applicant. The form is included in the Digital Applications System (DAS).

Second Round - Interview Based Evaluation for EBA Candidates

3. Decisions

On early July, candidates will recieve information on their DBE’s evaluation. The results can be the following:

1. Determined Acceptance (DA)

Some candidates are accepted without interviews. These DA candidates are fully accepted to the fellowship. No actions are needed until the start of the fellowship, except for their decisions to enroll in the program or not.

2. Oral Evaluation Based Acceptance (EBA)

EBA candidates are candidates with great potential for admissions, but they will be required to schedule an online interview, and an optional live evaluation exam and final acceptance will be decided by August 1st. Our team will reach out to EBA candidates to schedule their interviews individually by email.

3. Regret

Unfortunately, regret candidates have not been selected for the fellowship. No further actions are needed from their part.

Final Round - Decisions for EBA Candidates and the Wait Pool

4. Decisions

On August 1st, all EBA candidates will receive the final decisions from the admissions committee.

1. Acceptance

Candidates who are accepted from EBA follow the same steps as DA candidates. They will be asked to decide to enroll in the program or not.

2. Waitlist

Waitlisted EBA candidates will need to decide if they would like to be in the wait pool or not. Candidates will be individually contacted by our team if they are selected from the wait pool. The waitpool is not ranked, and remains throughout the duration of the fellowship.

3. Regret

Unfortunately, regret candidates have not been selected for the fellowship. No further actions are needed from their part.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Is there an application fee?

A: No, there is not.

Q: How much is the fellowship program?

A: The fellowship is free.

Q: How many people is the committee expecting to recruit as fellows?

A: While not certain, we expect to recruit about 20 fellows this year.

Q: Can I submit images, videos, and other supplementary materials?

A: Yes, there will be a section in the applications system for such files. Do not email any material to us, as they will not be considered.

Q: How many participants are selected through DA? Is it possible that everyone will be selected by the DA and the committee willl not move to the EBA candidates?

A: We tend to recruit about half of the fellows through determined acceptance (DA), but if we have finished our recruitment through DA, all EBA candidates will be placed in the waiting pool.

Q: Is it possible to apply again for the fellowship?

A: If you are in the grade range, you are welcome to reapply.

Q: What does the admissions committee look for in a candidate?

A: There is no “ideal candidate” that would allow for a 100% acceptance to the fellowship. Selection to the program is not a formula-based process, and tends to differ a lot. Just be yourself and show interest!

Q: Is it possible to view my application file or ask for feedback?

A: Due to the limited capacity of our committee, we are not able to provide individual feedback to candidates or provide their admissions file.

Q: I do not have a stable internet connection. Can I submit the form on paper?

A: For a paper copy of the form and our mailing address, please email our team.

Q: I require special accommodations to fill out the form. Can I submit the form in alternative manners?

A: For candidates with documented disabilities, they can request paper forms in large text or braille, or complete the application process through an aid of a live assistant through Zoom or phone. Please email us to request such accommodations.


Contact Us

+82 10 5696 8302

The DMUN Foundation has flexible work hours, if we do not respond by phone, please email us.

YouthCubed is a associated organisation of the DMUN Foundation, collectively referred as “The Foundation” here after, (Registered Charity 790-80-02573, Republic of Korea), the umbrella organisation for Discover Model United Nations, Katija Hyoungjoo Neuber Fund, and YouthCubed.

Non-Discrimination Policy

The Foundation strictly prohibit any form of discrimination, harassment, or unfair treatment based on race, ethnicity, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, age, disability, or any other protected characteristic.

For Foreign Donors

Donors who have foreign citizenship or registered in a foreign country (for entities) may be subject to local regulations that may prohibit them from receiving tax exemptions from donations to a foreign non-profit entity or being able to contribute at all. Please check local regulations on contributing to a foreign non-profit entity prior to contributing to the Foundation.

Important Notice for All Donors

The fundraising and financial wing of the DMUN Foundation, the Katija Hyoungjoo Neuber Fund is a non-profit philanthropic fund. This means that this fund does not generate profit to be returned to its investors, but to be used for public good. The fund has no legal obligation to reimburse or return any portion of any donated funds, securities, assets, or other items.

The DMUN Foundation, its affiliates, and its associates do not provide financial, legal, tax, or accounting advice. You should consult your legal, financial and/or tax advisors before making any financial decisions, including donations to non-profits.

Declaration on Political Independence and Neutrality

The Foundation does not accept donations or contributions from any governments or entities owned by a government due to its policy on political neutrality. No donor, regardless of individual or entity, or amount contributed has the right to influence the Foundation’s decisions or any part of its operations.

Statements included in this website may not reflect the Foundation’s opinions on such matters, but opinions of certain members of the Foundation. An opinion that reflects the whole of the Foundation or its associated member organizations will be expectedly indicated and stated.

The Foundation reserves the right to refuse donations, contributions, or partnership offers if the Foundation determines the provided contributions/donations to be from illegal, unethical, or immoral sources.

Communications Disclaimer

In all emails of The Foundation, TLS, a standard encryption protocol for emails, is used. These emails can include your personal, confidential or other sensitive information (“Private Information”). If you or your entity does not utilise TLS, there is a greater risk of unauthorised disclosure of Private Information, which The Foundation does not hold responsibility of.

Notice on Grant Provisions

The DMUN Foundation, and its constituent organisations including the Katija Hyoungjoo Neuber Fund is registered as a non-profit government to the Republic of Korea.

The DMUN Foundation reserves the right to review a gift request/fundraiser request/volunteer application, and if required, withhold or cancel the gift/fundraiser/volunteer application if the individual or entity has: gained the funds/resources for the gift in unlawful, immoral or unethical ways, are not legally allowed to provide a gift to a foreign non-profit organisation, are prohibited under the Inter-Korea Cooperation Act or other relevant regulations from the Republic of Korea, included in the United Nations Security Council Consolidated List, or prohibited from contributing to The Foundation through a resolution from the Board of Trustees.

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Founded in 2023, with love from the Republic of Korea, for the world to enjoy.